Blog 03

Push Pin Studios

Push Pin Studios was founded in 1954 by Seymour Chwast, Milton Glaser, and Edward Sorel. It is one of the most influential design groups of the 20th century. They randomly collect visual impressions, colour words, human bodies, natural things. And his concept through hand painting, collage, woodcut and other ways to combine into one, very lively and accessible. Their Style is called the “Push Pin Style.”

Posters analysis

Like most graphic designers, Chwast uses a “heterogeneous isomorphic” approach to presenting his ideas in his work. In the posters he designed for the studio, the gentleman and the rooster are combined to achieve visual impact while retaining the original structure of the characters. Push Pin Studios is a metaphor for the creative spirit of the studio.

                                                                                         (SEYMOUR CHWAST)

This work is the cartoon design that Chwast is good at a robot with a pipe is drawn in bright red, green and blue with concise lines to outline a lively and exciting animation model.

                                                                                     PUSHPIN AND BEYOND (1997)

In this work, the author combines the design concept with the image and uses lines and colours to depict a little boy with a hat holding the earth, to express his opposition to the war and good wishes for World Peace.

                                                                                               PEACE (1985)


Pushpin studio creates a new era of illustration and design, integrating accessible, lively and collage design concepts. This design method also triggers our study and exploration. The design process should start with a minimal idea and go deep to create an interactive work of art (SEYMOUR CHWAST, 1973). In the design, our design concept is combined in different ways to create a visual impact. Although the work retains the structure of the original project, it is started again in the form of collage and isomorphism to express the work’s emotion by showing the new picture effect, which is a successful design.

Reference lists: 2021. Pushpin Gallery. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 July 2021]. 1973. SEYMOUR CHWAST. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 July 2021].

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