Blog 04

Design challenges

In Project 4, I chose Demographics and will research Refugees. Despite today’s sustained economic development, the number of refugees is still increasing every minute. They have to flee their countries because of war, natural disasters and other problems and apply for asylum in new countries.

During the research process, I learned the increasing number and overall trend of refugees in recent years. According to the research results, the author summarizes the existing problems of refugees.

1. Education problem: Refugees who flee lack opportunities to obtain an education, resulting in poor academic qualifications.

2. Medical problems. Refugees may suffer from psychological issues due to long-term exile.

3. Barriers to job hunting. Refugees have no work experience and low social status, so getting a local job and making a living isn’t easy.

Because of these phenomena, I want to solve the following problems: help refugees get a suitable living environment to get local opportunities and better survival. However, in thinking about solutions, we need to combine the actual situation. Refugees do not have enough cultural and network equipment. How do you let them know about these measures? That was the challenge of my project.

Second, the final output of project 4 requires the use of editing software. Technically, I still need to learn more about shooting design and storyboard drawing. I hope I can gain relevant skills through this project.

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