Blog 05

The Concept Of 'Affordances'​

Psychologist James Gibson (James Gibson) created “affordances” in 1977, which refers to the possibility of all actions performed on objects according to the user’s physical ability, so the behavior provided by things is called “affordances”. This concept is derived from psychological affordability. It can be found from many interaction design cases that perception is the key to making the design expression more intuitive. In 1988, Donald Norman applied this concept to the fields of interaction design and human-computer interaction.

Ability in design refers to the attributes of objects and people. In general, the intuitive expression of affordance in design should come from the observation of the user’s daily behavior, and the interactive functions designed by designers should be more humane. Excellent and intuitive design refers to those designs that allow us to directly and correctly see what we can do.

Affordance as an HCI concept

In essence, the direct perception of the possibility of action is the concept of  affordance is about. Users only need to look at it to know what to do: no pictures, labels or instructions are needed. For example, the user will know how the handle of the window is opened or locked, and how the shutter of the camera is pressed. The concept expresses the promise of using perception to make everyday things more intuitive and universal.

  • Affordances Of An IPad

1. It is a storage device, which can be used as a U disk or mobile hard disk to store data

2. It is an entertainment device, users can play games, listen to music, watch videos, surf the Internet, etc.

3. It is a positioning instrument, which can locate iOS devices or Mac devices. At the same time, when there is a signal, users can also navigate to where they want to go through GPS.

In general, the concept of ability to pay is also full of uncertainties and challenges for interaction design and HCI. This means that we need to continue to explore and continue to practice in future interaction design.

Reading lists:

Interaction Design Foundation – IxDF, 2021. Affordances. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 March 2021].

Kaptelinin, V., 2015. Affordances. [online] The Interaction Design Foundation. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 March 2021].

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