Project 1 Personal map

In project one, we need to make a map to introduce ourselves.

First of all, I brainstormed, taking myself as a starting point, thinking about my hobbies, my experience, my hometown, my educational background and so on, hoping to find some elements from them to express myself.

My hometown is close to the Yangtze River. When I was young, my parents always took me to the riverside to took boat. It was an unforgettable memory. This is the scenery along the Yangtze River that I took photoes last summer.


At first, I wanted to show my personal map with my hands. I also drew some sketches and expressed my design ideas to the teacher in the tutorial on Wednesday.

After communicating with my teacher, I chose the first form of expression, hoping to show my hometown and the places with my childhood memories on my personal map. At the same time to show my good calligraphy, my university.

When designing, I chose different terrains to draw my map. Finally, a small piece was intercepted for display. Use my previous calligraphy as the background of the map.

At the same time, I made illustrations of my important places.


The map shows my hometown, my undergraduate university and the Winchester school of art I will go to in the future.

Thanks for reading!

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