Blog 03

Early stage of interaction design—record ideas with sketchnotes

In Bill Verplank’s opening speech, first of all, he asked three questions.

The first is how do you do?

The second question is how do you feel?

The third question is how do you do know?

He showed that his sketchbook emphasized the importance of sketchbook. By drawing a graph, plotting the time of the rising and setting of the sun, he recorded his experience of flying from Frankfurt to Porto, then returning to Frankfurt and home. This kind of record can facilitate his better understanding and make his ideas more intuitive.

Then he said “as designers we put things between people and the world.” As a designer, you should use touch, smell, hearing and other methods to perceive the world. Use the “dichotomy” to investigate and understand user ideas and user needs. At the same time, he also cited many examples to emphasize the importance of the medium, just as in a party invitation, using cartoons or sketches can add to his interest. In the design, we are more concerned with the deeper things inside the design, to understand its working principle, so that we can effectively solve the problem when an error occurs. The user interface in the design is an important part of the interaction between the machine and the human. Therefore, every handle in the machine and every button or arrow in the interface has to go through a continuous test system to achieve “human-computer interaction”. Of course, you also need to be always aware that wanting is the goal of thinking. As an image designer, you must use “visual thinking” to process symbols and draw diagrams. Use the Internet to do more visual design.

In design, user research is also very important. Nowadays, with the development of Internet technology, the continuous development of Microsoft, the emergence of 3D image technology can help designers get better user feedback. Make good use of the “computer” tool to produce a more intuitive and friendly user interface to improve work efficiency. Designers use language to communicate with computers. Whether using it as a medium or a tool, they need to look for causes and results, look for feedback, look for things that become unstable due to the dynamics involved, and interact better. .

Reading list:

Vimeo. 2021. Bill Verplank: Opening Keynote. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 7 March 2021].

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