Project 3 Amplify

According to brief, project 3 is a team assignment. In this project, our goal was to create a remix volume that contained the work of everyone on our team.

First meeting & Brainstorming

The first offline meeting, met with the group of students. We read the brief together and brainstormed around the theme to determine the presentation and job assignment of the project.

After discussion, we decided that the theme of our project would be “The project will be televised”. Through this project, I hope to express that the current society has changed from an environment where people cannot express their ideas to an environment where people can express their opinions freely.

At the same time, we want to create an interactive digital exhibition (game) to showcase the team members’ work through modeling. In the tutorial, I expressed our team’s ideas to Jackie.

Team members divide tasks

At the first meeting we also decided on the positions of the team members. In this project, I served as Marketing/social media, which was mainly responsible for the publicity and promotion of our project.


Next, I conducted preliminary research on the development of the project. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of competing products in the current market, and also investigate the pain points that people want to solve when visiting the exhibition.

  • A questionnaire was developed to find out what social software people prefer to use. It turned out that Instagram had the highest number of users, so we decided to use Instagram as a promotional platform for our project.
  • Users group:People who are intreated in history, revolution, culture and social issues.

After communicating the research results with the design director (Eva), I got some feedback and began to make persona.

  • Persona

Registered account

Registered the official account of our project, and the designer (Ada) designed the official avatar for the account.

Click for details

Marketing plan (Xuan)

For the publicity and promotion of the project, I made a marketing plan and established the primary realization goal. To help carry out the project in a more orderly way.

According to the plan, update at least three posts a week to show the progress of the project. Monica, the designer, designed three promotional posters for the project. I was responsible for typesetting the received posters, writing copywriting and displaying them on social platforms.

  • Post article show

The layout design (Monica)

Visual Style (Ada)

Coding and modeling (Rylan)



At the last meeting, we discussed the content of the presentation, Xuan and Eva made the PPT of the report.

Meeting notes(Eva)

Click to view Meeting notes


Personal Statement(Xuan)

Thanks for watching!

2 thoughts on “Project 3 Amplify”

  1. Pingback: Project 03 Amplify – MACD – Ada

  2. Pingback: Project 03——Amplify – Monica‘s world

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