Project 3 – Rain Later

For the third project, I chose students in the KS2 stage among the three target user groups given by the teacher.I selected KS2 schoolchildren as my target audience. Additionally, the weather app will run on tablets.

Users gruop
• Key Stage 2 (KS2) school children (7-11) – tablet users 

I started doing some preliminary research, looking at the iPad activities of 7-11 year olds, and I got some data. At the same time, I created some questions around children and weather APPs. Through interviews, I learned about the types of APPs that children were interested in and the ways to obtain weather information.

I did some case studies to find out which apps were popular with kids. In addition, I also analyzed the competing products of similar weather apps, compared the existing apps from the aspects of function and design sense, and summarized the direction of my design. User interviews and surveys were conducted to determine users’ pain points and needs for the weather applications currently in use.

 I created two personas. Ethan is an 11-year-old boy. He loves to climb mountains, hike, and enjoy playing with his friends. For him, he doesn’t care about the humidity of the weather or the barometric pressure. He only cares about the success of his outing plan with his friends.

Ivy is a 10-year-old girl, she wants to wear beautiful clothes to go to school every day, she likes to do things before planning. But they always forget to implement it. For her, traditional weather apps don’t have cute ICONS and colors and always provide her with information she doesn’t want to know.

Next, I drew a sketch and arranged a preliminary flowchart based on the sketch.

I divided the APP into three parts: Weather, Widget and Schedule. Weather can check the current weather conditions, such as temperature, etc. Meanwhile, the system will recommend clothing according to the temperature of the day. In the Widget section, users can decorate the home page by choosing their favorite theme. Schedule is that you can write down the plan and share it with friends. At the same time, the system will remind users whether the plan can be implemented smoothly according to the weather conditions.

I tested Prototype and got some user feedback. Because I chose male entrance and female entrance in the design, users hope that the design can have more interactive categories to make the APP more targeted。

I reconsidered the function Settings and added a new function of clothing matching. For girls users, they can choose to match their clothes in advance, just like a game of changing clothes. If it’s a boy, it will be directly recommended. At the same time in the theme wallpaper recommendation, also divided into boys and girls entrance, girls like a bit more lovely style, and boys like Superman Spider-Man and other science fiction wind.

The iterated prototype was subjected to a new round of paper film tests. My weather app is called “Weather Diary” and is aimed at students aged 7-11.

  • When using this APP, users can choose the male entrance and the female entrance to register.
  • Depending on gender, the content pushed by the system will be different. If you are a girl, there will be a small game of clothing matching to help them better dress for the weather. If the user is a boy, the system will recommend what to wear based on the temperature.
  • Users can record their plans and diary, such as planning an outdoor picnic with friends, and the system will predict whether the plan will be implemented in advance based on the weather conditions. Users can also share their plans with friends to increase interaction.
  • With the decoration function of the APP, users can choose their favorite icon and style to dress up, so as to better learn weather knowledge.

Final prototyping test

Thanks for watching!

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