Project 4 Film Pitch

Our final project of the semester is about researching global issues and making a film as a reflection.

According to brief, we need to choose a theme from the website. These topics include global warming, urbanization, demographics, poverty and more.

Topic selection

I choose Demographics, which is a big topic. After brainstorming through reading the downloaded files, I decided on Refugees as my more detailed research direction. I recently can always see news reports of Afghan people fleeing on the BBC, which makes me interested in this topic.

Research content

I did some research on this topic. We learned the definition of refugee and the reasons for this phenomenon.

According to the survey, the number of refugees has been on the rise in recent years. Refugees fleeing to a new country have health problems, education problems and survival problems. The lack of survival skills may also lead to an increase in crime.

Research frameworks

Preliminary ideas

Before making the video, I browsed the videos about refugees on the Internet.

My initial idea was to show my film through the following aspects.

  • Introduction Theme 
  • Background information
  • research problem
  • value+meaning
  • solutions
  • plans & schedule


In the process of making the film, I came up with some new ideas, so I did story iteration.

Production process

Final Film

The film shows the living situation and existing problems of refugees through editing, hoping to attract more people to pay attention to this group.

Next step

Thanks for watching!

Reference: 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 27 August 2021]. 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 25 August 2021]. 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 August 2021]. 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 August 2021]. 2021. 《中国舆论场》 20210829. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 August 2021].

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