FMP Brief(iteration)

I first became interested in the refugee community because of the Afghan refugee news. In interviews and reports, Afghan asylum seekers who fled to Britain have spoken about their feelings and feelings after arriving in their new environment. By watching news and videos, I selected the background of the project as the UK.

First of all, through the investigation of refugees’ problems in the UK, there are psychological problems caused by discrimination, inability to get job opportunities, backward medical conditions and difficult living conditions. Among these pain points, I focused my research on refugees’ job hunting.
Then, I investigated the policies related to refugee work in Britain and analyzed the reasons why it is difficult for refugees to get job opportunities.

I gained some design insights from my research into the saturation and shortage of jobs in the UK job market. My initial idea was to design a workplace for refugees, staffed by refugees. It is a place where refugees can share their stories with other refugees and gain work experience.

After receiving feedback from the supervisor in supervision, I began to rethink this project. Under British policy, newly arrived Afghan refugees are currently waiting to be identified as asylum seekers, who are not allowed to seek work. Then their state and mood during this waiting period made me want to know more.
Then, through primary and secondary research, to understand the situation of Afghan refugees in Britain now. At the same time, I also began to investigate the attitudes and views of local people towards refugees.

Watch the full version ODI-JR-CountyProfile-UK-Oct21-Proof04

The purpose of the design is to let people take the initiative to experience/actively participate in the charity related to refugees.
How to indoctrinate them and help them is to help your future self, your future country.

This is an interactive AD designed by the aid group Misereor to encourage people to donate by swiping their credit card. A swipe of the card costs them 2 euros, but it helps them. You can buy a loaf of bread for 2 euros, and this visual interaction also increases people’s engagement.

At first, my first idea was to show refugees’ desire to be noticed by people and integrate into the new environment through the installation. I planned to express it in the form of lines.
The second idea was to make interactive posters to get people involved and donate. I received some feedback when I shared it with my peers. Let me choose the second idea.

The origin of brand name

1. Previous research found that refugees had limited access to food, resulting in insufficient food and certain health problems. Food Passage aims to help refugees gain access to more abundant Food resources
2. In addition, the charity brand wants to call more people to pay attention to refugees. According to the previous survey, many people said that they did not know much about the refugee group and were willing to donate food, clothes and other daily necessities, but there was no channel.
3. The “passage” is a way for people to help the refugees get through the period of being undocumented. This is because refugees without legal status are not allowed to go out or work and have to stay in their rooms every day. To some extent, helping them is to help their future British friends.

Brand Story

The brand was founded in 2021 after Afghan refugees fled to the UK. There are many problems in the current situation of Afghan refugees after they come to Britain. For example, they have no legal refugee status and cannot go out to find a job. They can only survive with meager aid. The daily intake of food is limited to the point of not having enough to eat. The brand is dedicated to helping refugees who have just arrived in the UK and wants to combine/organise local people to feed  them.

Brand group

1. Students aged 18-26 in the UK, all concerned about the refugee community, see your posters, caring people on the website

2. Potential users: the refugee group will know who helped him after being rescued, and hope him to come back to help more people after he gets legal status.

The value and meaning of the brand

1. Refugees are well fed
2. Maintain social stability
3. In order for people to donate more


Web site
Souvenir (Donor)
Thank you card (Refugee)

Posters show

Posters are expressed by telling stories. In the poster, the refugee asks people “Can you please put this bread in my pocket?” When people tried to help with the bread they found that the string of food was not long enough and there was resistance. To get it into your pocket, you have to rip the poster, and when it’s ripped, it shows you a QR code from the site for targeted people to donate to.

Through the interactive way of “stuffing food into pockets”, we hope to call on everyone to help the refugee community and give them warmth.


The function of the site is to give people who scan in a way to donate money. At the same time, the website will show refugee stories that have been donated. Make information open and timely.

I edited the audio and added a monologue as background music.

Welcome to my website!

Reflection Report

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